Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Flowers of Hawaii

Flowers Inspire Me

In this post I am going to show you some of the flowers I’ve encountered here on the Big Island. Starting with the back yard...

This delicate yellow hibiscus grows in the back yard.

banana flowers

flowers in the back yard

One of the things I love  about Hawaii are the flowers. They are bright and colorful and there are many different types. 

Bird of Paradise flower in town

Ginger growing on the roadside

The sun shines very bright here and it makes the flowers seem to glow. Almost every time I go out and about, I’ll take a picture of a flower, or two or three.

Purple morning glory type of flower growing wild in the field.

This bright orange flower blooms in the tops of trees that grow on the rainy side of the island.

Plumeria is very fragrant.

Have a wonderful day. 

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